Shipping services
by air, rail and road transport from China to Kazakhstan
Shipping services from China to Kazakhstan

We offer comprehensive services for the transportation of goods from China to the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as to other countries of the EAEU.

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Shipping services by air, rail and road transport from China to Kazakhstan

China is the world's largest manufacturer of goods and exporter, with which all countries of the world cooperate. Cargo transportation from China to Kazakhstan is very popular, therefore, IFCG offers services for the transportation of shipments from China to Kazakhstan by road, air and railway transport.

The approximate transit time for the delivery of cargo, excluding the collection of cargo from the consignor's warehouse, is:

  • By air transport — 1 day;
  • By road transport — 16 days;
  • By railway transport — 20 days.

Approximate order of work:

  1. We contact your shipper
    If necessary, we will issue all the required documents for export. In some cases, the shipper's assistance in preparing documents is required.
  2. We pick up the cargo and deliver it to our warehouse for further shipment
    If necessary, we can pick up goods from different shippers, consolidate them in our warehouse and send them in one batch. In addition to consolidation, we can pack, repack and mark your cargo according to your requirements and transportation rules.
  3. We load the cargo into transport and send it to Kazakhstan
    We control and inform you about the location of the cargo along the route.
    Also, along the entire route of the cargo, it is possible to additionally insure it against various incidents.
  4. Cargo arrives in Kazakhstan
    Upon arrival of the goods in Kazakhstan, we transfer it to your customs representative, and in the absence of such, we independently carry out customs clearance and transfer the cleared cargo to you.

To accurately calculate the cost of our services, we will need:

1. Description of the goods planned for delivery;

2. Initial data on transportation:

  • exact pickup address;
  • exact delivery address;
  • gross weight (the weight of the goods together with the cargo package);
  • cargo dimensions (length x width x height);
  • number of boxes;
  • delivery conditions according to Incoterms.

Contact us and we will find the best option for you!

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