on the attribution (non-attribution) of the goods to the radio-electronic means (REMs) and high-frequency devices (HFDs)
Conclusion on REMs and HFDs

When importing some radio-electronic devices, there might be a need for the conclusion of the competent authority on the assignment (not assignment) of the imported goods to the radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices, which will also indicate whether or not a license for the import is required.

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Conclusion on the attribution (non-attribution) of the goods to the radio-electronic means (REMs) and high-frequency devices (HFDs)

Radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices are restricted for import into the territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Therefore, in some cases, the customs authorities are not always able to determine whether a particular product is radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices, and whether it falls under any legal restrictions.

In this case, a conclusion of the competent authority on a classification (non classification) of the imported goods as the radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices may be drawn up, which will also indicate whether or not a license for the import of radio-electronic means and (or) high-frequency devices is required.

Radio-electronic means are the equipment for transmitting and (or) receiving radio waves consisting of one or more transmitting and (or) receiving devices.

Examples of the radio-electronic means are:

  • cell phones;
  • wireless routers and routers;
  • radio stations (walkie-talkies);
  • different modules for wireless communication (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth etc.).

High-frequency devices are equipment or devices designed to generate and use radio frequency energy for industrial, scientific, medical, household or other purposes, with the exception of applications in the field of telecommunications.

High-frequency devices include:

  • microwave ovens;
  • induction devices;
  • MRI;
  • some laboratory or medical equipment.

It easy to issue the Conclusion with us:

  1. Send us the available product description, its technical characteristics and Customs Commodity Code (if available)
    We will analyze the characteristics of the product and make sure that:
    — the product is not the radio-electronic means and (or) high-frequency devices;
    — the products are not the subject to licensing upon import.

    We will also check whether the product contains encryption functions and whether notification will be required.
  2. We will prepare and submit a full package of documents to the state body
    We will prepare an application and all the necessary supporting documents and submit a set of documents.

    The term of issue of the conclusion is 8 business days. We will monitor the process of reviewing the application and, if necessary, we can contact the contractor.
  3. We will help deliver the goods and carry out customs clearance
    We are also ready to provide you with services for delivery and customs clearance of your products.

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