for import and export of encryption tools (Encryption (Cryptographic) Tools) / Cryptographic Information Protection Facilities)
License for import and export of encryption tools

The License is required, in most common case, when importing or exporting “complicated” encryption tools.

In less difficult situations, Notification or Decision of the NSC might be issued.

Get License

License for import and export of encryption tools (Encryption (Cryptographic) Tools) / Cryptographic Information Protection Facilities)

When importing encryption tools into the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) or exporting them from this territory, it may be necessary to issue an Import (or Export) License.

According to Regulation on the importation into the customs territory of the EAEU and export from the customs territory of encryption tools, a notification or license must be presented to the customs authority.

Encryption (Cryptographic) Tools are products intended for encryption of various information or having an encryption function as a non-primary one.

What kind of encryption tools is the License issued for?

The license can be issued by any encryption means, but most often it is issued for those tools that are not in the List of notified products (notification is issued for products, included in this list).

If the goods are imported (exported) temporarily or for the organization's own needs, then you can cut losses and issue a permit and submit it to customs. In these cases, you do not need to issue a license.

How to get a License?

Registration of a license for products is a multi-stage procedure:

1. Obtaining the Decision of the National Security Committee

A mandatory document for obtaining a license is the provision of the Opinion of the National Security Committee of Kazakhstan on do the product have or not the encryption functions.

2. Obtaining a license for the implementation of Encryption (Cryptographic) Tools) / Cryptographic Information Protection Facility

Another mandatory document for obtaining a license is a Sales permit. This document is a kind of license for the type of activity.

3. Obtaining of the license

To obtain a license, you must submit the following documents:

  • Application for a License;
  • Copy of the Contract (with Annexes and Additions to it);
  • Copy of the Decision of the National Security Committee;
  • Copy of the Sales permit;
  • Information about the payment of the state fee.

It is easy to register a license with us:

  1. Send us the available product description, its technical characteristics and Customs Commodity Code (if available)
    We will analyze the characteristics of the product and make sure that the product has encryption functions and that it needs to be licensed or notified.
  2. We will process all the preliminary documents
    In particular, we will receive for you the Opinion of the National Security Committee, Sales permit.
  3. We will prepare and submit a full package of documents to the state body
    We will prepare an application and all the necessary supporting documents and submit a set of documents.

    The term of registration of the license is 8 working days.
  4. We will help deliver the goods and carry out customs clearance
    We are also ready to provide you with services for delivery and customs clearance. We are ready to provide turnkey services for you.

Contact us now!