Declaration of Conformity
of the Eurasian Economic Union (TR EAEU)
Declaration of Conformity of the TR EAEU

Declaration confirms that the products correspond to requirements of the Technical Regulations of the EAEU, and it is required for the import of goods, as well as for their circulation and use on the territory of the EAEU member countries.

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Declaration of Conformity of the Eurasian Economic Union (TR EAEU)

Declaration of Conformity with the Technical Regulation of the Eurasian Economic Union (TR EAEU Declaration, Declaration of conformity) is the official document, confirming that the products correspond to all obligatory requirements of quality and safety within the Technical Regulations.

Declaration of conformity is required for the import of goods, as well as for their trade and use on the territory of the EAEU member countries (Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Russia).

The document is valid on the territory of all EAEU countries, regardless of the country in which it was issued.

The form and rules of the Declaration of Conformity are established by a legal act (the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 293 dated 25.12.2012).

TR EAEU Declaration is registered on A4 sheets of white paper.

Technical regulations, adopted before the formation of the Eurasian Economic Union are abbreviated TR CU, and after — TR EAEU.

The terms “TR CU Declaration” and “TR EAEU Declaration of Conformity” are equal.

Which goods are subject to declaration?

In order to determine whether a Declaration of Conformity for a specific product is required, you should check:

  • is the product in the Unified list of products subject to mandatory certification and declaration within the EAEU, established by the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission No. 526 dated 28.11.2011;
  • does this product fall under the relevant Technical Regulations;
  • what kind of document requires you to issue a special Technical Regulation for this product: a certificate or a declaration.

As a rule, the Declaration of Conformity (compared to the Certificate of Conformity) is issued for less “complex” technical products, industrial products.

Based on the description our specialists will define the need for a Declaration of Conformity, as well as the Technical Regulations under which it will be issued.

How to issue a Declaration?

Declaration of Conformity can be issued for a batch of goods (one-time delivery), for a serial products for a period from one to five years or for a single product.

When making a Declaration of Conformity, it may be necessary to test samples of goods, conduct production control. One or another option is set depending on the chosen declaration scheme.

All issued Declarations of Conformity are registered and published in the Register.


TR EAEU Declaration can only be issued on the name of legal entity or individual entrepreneur of the EAEU member state. The applicants may be manufacturers, suppliers, as well as importers on the basis of an agreement of an authorized representative office of a foreign manufacturer.

It is easy to issue a TR EAEU Declaration with us:

  1. Send us the available product description
    We will analyze the information about the product and determine what kind of authorization document it needs to be issued (declaration, certificate, etc.).

    If a TR EAEU Declaration of Conformity is required for a product, we will establish under which Technical Regulations it will be issued and what will be the procedure for registration.
  2. We will prepare the documents necessary for issuing the Declaration
    At this stage, we are preparing an application to the testing laboratory and other necessary documents. We will transfer all the documents to the laboratory and prepare a draft of the Declaration. The daft should be confirmed by you.
  3. We will submit documents for registration of the Declaration of Conformity
    We control the whole registration process.
  4. We will receive the registered Declaration of Conformity and give it to you
    The registered Declaration contains the signature and seal of the applicant, as well as the number by which the document is easily found in the Register of Documents confirming compliance.

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